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Joint inference of Runs of Homozygosity and rates of heterozygosity

Project maintained by grenaud


ROHan is a Bayesian framework to estimate local rates of heterozygosity, infer runs of homozygosity (ROH) and compute global rates of heterozygosity outside of ROHs. ROHan can work on modern and ancient samples with signs of ancient DNA damage.

ROHan can work for sample with depth-of-coverage 4-5X or above for modern samples and 7-8X for damaged ancient samples. It makes the following assumptions:

The README contains usage and recommendation how to prepare your BAM file.


Go to https://github.com/grenaud/rohan and either:

  1. Download the ZIP
  2. or
  3. Do a:
      git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/grenaud/rohan.git


  1. make sure you have "cmake", "libtool", "libpng" and "git" installed, check for it by typing " git --version" and "cmake --version". For Ubuntu:
         sudo apt-get install git
         sudo apt-get install cmake
         sudo apt-get install libtool
         sudo apt-get install libpng-dev
    For MacOS, if you have Homebrew (https://brew.sh/) installed:
         brew install git
         brew install cmake
         brew install libtool
         brew install libpng
  2. make sure you have gcc that supports -std=c++11, gcc version 4.7 or above. Type "gcc -v" and check the version. For both Ubuntu and MacOS,
  3. As the makefile uses "git clone" to download subpackages, please make sure that the computer on which you are installing ROHan has access to the internet. Once done, simply type :
    cd ROHan
    For MacOS, if you get the problem: fatal error: 'lzma.h' file not found, this is a problem building htslib with homebrew, please refer to the following htslib page: https://github.com/samtools/htslib/issues/493
  4. (optional) Either put the executable in the overall path or add the path to your $PATH environment or add an alias to be able to run "rohan" from any directory.


Please refer to the README.md in the repository for usage and frequently asked questions.



This project is licensed under the GPL 3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details